Face/ Neck Lift with Thermax

How does Thermax Face Lift achieve the results without surgery?

Thermax non-invasively delivers mono-polar radiofrequency (RF) waves at controlled depth to skin tissue. With each treatment shot, a large volume of collagen will be uniformly heated causing direct collagen contraction and immediate skin tightening. Subsequent remodeling of collagen bundles and the formation of new collagen is achieved over months after the treatment.

How is Thermax Face Lift performed?

The tip of the treatment device is placed on your skin, as the RF is delivered to the skin, there will be a deep heating sensation. The procedure shall take approximately 20 minutes. Thermax can be performed at 4 to 6 weeks intervals.

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What are the benefits of Thermax Face Lift?

Immediately after Thermax Treatment, your skin should feel smoother and tighter. Additional improvements will occur over the following few months that include better skin texture, reduction of wrinkles, eye bags and hooded eyelids, renewed jaw lines, firmer neck and tightening of sagging jowls and double chin. The improvement is accumulative which means better results are observed after a few sessions of the treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Thermax has a good safety record when it is performed by experienced doctors. The most frequent reported reactions are discomfort, redness and swelling at the treated areas that will resolve in a few hours.